Documentation for Practitioners
How to use this Documentation support resource
Click on a topic that is of interest and you will be able to read instructions, as well as see screen images, that explain the steps for that topic.
The dbscript Dashboard Screen
As soon as you have signed in to, you are presented with this screen, the dbscript Dashboard,
where the tabs let you work with Patients, Reports, Messages and Settings. To the right of these, you see the blue button Create Recommendation.
Under Patients, you can choose to view a list of your patients (Patient List,)
invite individual patients to register for Practitioner Approved Ordering (Invite Patients), see a list of your patients who have not yet accepted their invitation to register on the portal (Pending Patients,) and import a file of patient names with their contact information to invite a group of patients to register for dbscript (Import Patients.) With All Patients selected from the Patients tab, you can click on the cog-wheel icon in the Manage column, click on Manage Patient and then view a new screen to set a discount percentage for a patient, set the patient account status to Inactive or Active, view orders, recommendations, subscriptions and Ingredient Alerts.
Under the Reports menu, you can view a list of all orders placed by all of your patients, a list of all recommendations you have provided for all of your patients, and Commission Reports which show you the dollar value of all orders placed by your patients, which products are ordered most often by your patients, and the commissions to be paid to you.
The Messages tab presents a list of patient messages for review and is where you can also compose individual new messages to patients. Messages can be typed up individually or you can create and choose from saved message templates of Subject and Content which can be selected to create your message.
dbscript messages to and from your patients are listed when All Messages is selected. Notice the tabs above the list of messages: In Box, Sent, and Archived. You can move In Box and Sent messages to Archived by clicking the checkbox for the message and selective Move as the Action for the message. All messages are sent and received via the secure messaging of the dbscript portal.
Under the Settings tab, your option is to select Notifications. Then, you see the Account Details screen where you have the option to set how you want to receive notifications from the dbscript portal–via email or text or both. You can set whether you receive dbscript messages individually Per Event or in a Daily Digest. You can also edit your name, phone number and your PayPal email address which is how your commission compensation is sent to you each month.
By clicking on the blue Create Recommendation button,
you can create recommendations for your patients by individually searching for the products to be recommended or by using a predefined recommendation template.
These capabilities of inviting patients, patient messages (to and from,) managing patient activity, creating recommendations and using reports all have their own documentation topics where they are presented in detail.
Invite individual patients to register for dbscript
Once you login with your previously created account username and password, you are immediately presented with your dbscript Dashboard and can click on the Patients tab to select Invite Patients.
If you are not on the dbscript Dashboard, you can click on the “Invite Patient” link in the upper right corner of any dbscript webpage.
Whether you click on Invite Patients from the Patients tab in the dbscript Dashboard or click on Invite Patient in the top right corner of a dbscript screeen, you are now presented with the Invite Patient screen.
On this Invite Patient screen, enter the first name, last name, email address and SMS phone number of a patient. Please note: the email address IS REQUIRED because this is the identifier for the patient dbscript account.
Press the “Submit” button to send the invitation email to your patient. You are presented with an Invitation Sent message on your screen
and the patient receives an email invitation or an SMS text invition.
At this point, you can click on either the Invite Patient link at the top right of the screen again to repeat this process, or click on Go Back to dbscript Dashboard to repeat this process, for an additional patient, entering one after the other. Or you can click on the “Create Recommendation” blue button
to identify the products you recommend for this one patient and then invite another patient after creating the recommendation for the first.
Upload a file of patient names for bulk inviting
After logging in to your dbscript practitioner account, you are presented with your dbscript Dashboard. If you are already in the dbscript system and do not see your dbscript Dashboard, click on the dbscript Dashboard link in the upper right area of the screen.
On dbscript Dashboard, below your Practitioner Code, you have 4 tabs: Patients, Reports, Messages and Settings.
To upload a file of patients to be invited to register to use Practitioner Approved Ordering, click on the Patients tab and select Import Patients.
You’ll be browsing on your computer for a previously created file with the fields separated by commas, a comma-separated variables file or .csv file.
If you have not already created this file and do not know what the format of the file should be, you can click on the blue text “sample csv here.” A small file will be downloaded to your computer. Double-clicking on this file will present a list of four records with first name, last name and email address. This is what your file to be uploaded should look like.
Your file can be created most efficiently by exporting patient information from your practice management, accounting or clinical records computer program for your practice. There may be a patient report in your system which allows you to export information instead of printing the report. You will want to export first name, last name and email address for all patients that you want to invite to use Practitioner Approved Ordering.
If an export of your information is not possible, you can create your file in a word processing or spreadsheet document. In a word processor, just type a patient’s first name, followed by a comma, then the patient’s last name followed by a comma, then the patient’s email address followed by hitting the return key on your keyboard to create a new line for the next patient. Repeat this process for every patient you want invited.
When all patients have been entered into the file, go to the file menu and select Save As for the file. Give the file a name and be sure to choose .txt as the type of file. An example of a file might is dbscriptpatients.txt. Pay careful attention to the location where the file is saved.
You will need to change the ending of the filename from .txt to .csv. Then your file is ready.
If you choose to create your file in a spreadsheet program such as Excel, you will type the first name of a patient in the first cell of the spreadsheet, hit the tab key to move to the next cell, type the patient last name, tab key again, then type the email address for the patient.
Click your mouse in the first cell of the line below this patient entry and start the data entry process again on this new line: first name, tab, last name, tab, email address, click on the first cell of the next line down.
When all patients are entered, go to the file menu and select Save As. Enter your filename such as dbscriptpatients and choose .csv as the file type—this will add the commas between your fields. Pay careful attention to the location where the file is saved.
With a file of patient information created, you can now click on the browse button on the Import Patient screen of your dbscript Dashboard.
Remember, you found this screen by selecting Import Patients under the Patients tab of the dashboard.
After clicking on the Browse button, browse or find the location where your dbscriptpatient file was created. Your file may have a different name than our example here.
Click on the patient file and then click on the Open button.
Back at the Import Patient screen, click on the Submit button.
If all of your patient records had been created properly, then each patient in the file has now been invited via email to register to use the dbscript system and you have received notice in green
—Invited Successfully is presented next to each patient.
Be sure that no fields in your list have a space in front of the information. This is a common error that will prevent a record from being accepted successfully in the Import process.
“Social Login Accounts” under My Account
Social accounts that you have with Facebook and/or Google can be linked to your dbscript account, if you don’t want to remember another username and password.
Clicking on the Connect one now blue words below Social Login Accounts links the email address of your dbscript account to the Facebook or Google account you have for this email address.
This opportunity of Connect one now is found on the Account Details screen of the dbscript Dashboard (above) and the Change Password screen (below.)
On the Account login screen for dbscript,
once your social login account is connected, you just click on the Log in with Facebook or Log in with Google button to start working with Practitioner Approved Ordering.
"Whitelisting"--Help your patients avoid dbscript messages going to SPAM
When you discuss with a patient that you will be inviting them to join the dbscript website, encourage them to “whitelist” emails from To do this, they will add [email protected] and [email protected] to their list of contacts in their email account. The following two screens show the example of adding an email contact for an email address of
Other email systems would be similar. First, look for an option to add contacts to your email system. In this case, you are looking for Contacts and then New Contacts.
Then enter the email address of [email protected] and click Add Contact. Repeat the steps for [email protected] .
Sending and managing messages to and from patients
After signing in, to your DesBio dbscript account, you automatically are presented with the dbscript Dashboard page. From other areas of dbscript, to view the dbscript Dashboard, click on the dbscript Dashboard link which is located in the upper right area of the page.
Rest your mouse cursor on the Messages tab and you will be presented with three options: All Messages, Message Template and Compose New Message.
When you click on All Messages, you are presented with a list of messages sent to you by your patients.
Above these messages there are tabs for Inbox, Sent and Archived. The Inbox tab is selected by default and so you are seeing the messages from your patients –messages which have not been archived.
Clicking the Sent tab presents your messages you have created for patients. The Archived tab shows you messages you have moved from Inbox and Sent.
By default, 10 messages at a time are presented to you. You can change this view to show 25, 50 or 100 messages at a time. You can navigate through your list of messages with the buttons in the lower right of the screen: first set, previous set , next and last.
The information for each message that is presented in the list is: Name of the person to whom the message pertains (either from or to,) Subject of the message, Date created and Action. Currently, View is the only Action.
Messages you have not yet read show their Subject in bold letters.
To view a particular message and to have the option to respond to it, click on the View button for that message.
To create a new message that you want to send to a patient, point to the Messages tab and click on the Compose New Message option.
In this screen, you select the desired patient, enter a subject for your message, and the text of your message. Press Send to send the message.
Your messages can be sent to active dbscript-registered patients as well as to pending patients—those who have not yet registered on the dbscript site, to whom you have sent an invitation. These messages will be viewable by the patient as soon as they register, but not until then.
You may want to send the same message to every patient each time that a particular circumstance occurs. One example: welcoming the patient and congratulating them on registering for Practitioner Approved Ordering. Another example: describing a particular DesBio product and encouraging the patient to browse for it and order it. A third example: educating the patient regarding a feature of dbscript such as downloading product information sheets.
Message templates can be created and saved in dbscript using the Message Templates selection under the Messages tab. When you create a message template, you type the message just one time for efficient use repeatedly in the future. How to create a message template is described in detail in the documentation section: Creating Saved Templates for Messages sent regularly.
To Archive messages that you no longer want to view in the active Inbox or Sent screens, click on the checkbox in the first column for each message you want to archive. Then in the box labelled Bulk Actions select Move to Archive. Click on the Apply button. The checked messages are moved out of the active view of either Inbox or Sent and can be viewed in Archived.
Creating saved templates for messages sent regularly
There will be times, as a practitioner, you will want to save a message format and then quickly create a message for a patient by just selecting that format and selecting your desired patient. dbscript allows you to do this and you can even use the template to send, with one click on Send, the message to multiple patients at the same time.
You can create as many formats, called message templates, as desired, and then select the one you want to send without having to re-type the message each time you use it.
After signing in to your DesBio dbscript account, you are presented with your dbscript Dashboard, showing you the list of your patients.
Click on the Message Tab and you will see 3 options: All Messages, Message Template and Compose Message.
Click on Message Template. Next, click on the Add Template button to create your first template. If you have already created templates, the buton is labeled New Template.
Here you are presented with the screen to create a message template. First, give your template a name. The name of the template will be the subject of your message as well as the template title, so enter a name for the template that will make a good subject.
Then type the body or content of your message. When you are done, click on the Submit button and your message template has been successfully saved for use.
To create a message using a message template, you will click on the Messages tab in your dbscript Dashboard. If you don’t see your Message tab, click on the dbscript Dashboard link in the upper right corner of the screen. After clicking on the Messages tab, click Message Template. You are presented with all of the templates you have created so far (and the button to create another new one.)
If you click on the cog icon to the right of your desired template, you see the options to edit your template or remove it from further use.
Click on the green person icon to the right of the desired template to view a screen where you search for and select your patient who is to receive the message.
This can be either a dbscript-registered patient or someone who has been invited but who has not yet registered. For either type of patient, they will only be able to read your message after they have signed in to dbscript.
You select your patient, or multiple patients, who will receive the message by clicking on their name and then you can see the completed message, ready to send. You can select multiple patient names in the Select Patient box so they will all receive the message from the one actions of sending a message. Like a bcc: email, no recipient will know of other recipients of the message.
To send the message, click on the blue Send Message button.
Your message has been successfully sent.
To use this template again or to use another template, click on the green person icon next to the desired message template as before. Select your patient or multiple patients. Click the Send Message button.
Creating and sending recommendations to patients
Recommendations can have 1 product or multiple products listed for the patient. As a practitioner, for efficiency you may want to create templates for multiple product recommendations in the dbscript system for your practice. Or you can add product after product to the recommendation for the patient before sending the completed recommendation.
To create a recommendation for a patient, click on the blue Create Recommendation button and select the Interactive Tool choice.
You are instructed here to first Search For or identify the product and its quantity that you authorize for the patient.
You can search for the desired product by entering at least 2 characters of any part of the product name. It does not have to be the first characters of the product name. As an example you could enter “c-o-n-t” for “Control” for Appetite Control.
Set the quantity for the product and by doing so, you have added this product to the recommendation.
You can now either search for another product and set its quantity, or you can at this time select your patient from your list.
At any time during the create recommendation process, you can select your patient.
Add any note you desire for the patient to see for this product. Then Send the Recommendation for that patient.
Pressing the Send Recommendation button adds the recommendation to your list of recommendations created
and sends a message to your patient, via email or text or both, that they have a new recommendation.
It’s important to note that you can create a Recommendation for a patient, even if the patient is listed under Pending Patient Invites and has not yet registered on the DesBio dbscript website.
Creating a template for multiple-product recommendations
Recommendation Templates allow you to create a multiple-product recommendation quickly. Templates are custom-built by you the practitioner in the dbscript system specifically for YOUR practice.
After signing in, to your DesBio dbscript account, click on the blue Create Recommendation button on the dbscript Dashboard and choose the Template option. You can also click on the Create Recommendation link which is located in the upper right area of the page.
Click on the gray Add Template button in the middle of the screen. After you have any templates created, the Add Template button says New Template.
Give your template a name. In the product box, you search for the first product of the group of products in your protocol.
As with Interactive Tool of Create Recommendation, you can search for the desired product by entering at least 2 characters of any part of the product name. It does not have to be the first characters of the product name.
Every time you click on a product, it is added to your group of products for this template.
After selecting all of your products, click the blue Next button to view the screen where you will set the quantity for each of your products.
Here, you also write the dosage information for each product and you can create a custom note regarding the product. This note will be included in each
recommendation created with this template.
Press the Save Template button to complete the creation of the Recommendation Template and add it to the list of your templates.
To use a recommendation template to create a product recommendation for a patient, click on the blue Create Recommendation button in the upper right of the screen and select Templates. For the desired template,
click on the green person icon to the right of the template and select the patient that is to receive this recommendation. Choose Select Patient and then find your patient in the list that is presented.
Add a note, if you choose, to the recommendation and press the Send Recommendation button.
The recommendation is created for the patient and an email is sent
to inform the patient that their practitioner has created a recommendation for them.
Monitoring the Practitioner dbscript account for patient invites accepted, recommendations accepted, orders placed, messages sent and received
The dbscript dashboard screen is designed just for this purpose. It presents tabs to show a list of patients, reports, and messages.
Clicking on the Patients tab gives you choices to view all your patients who have registered on the dbscript website (Patient List) and those who have not yet registered (Pending Patients.) The Invite Patients selection is how you send an invitation to one patient at a time to register for Practitioner Approved Ordering. There is also an option to upload a list of patients for inviting them to register for dbscript (Import Patients.)
The Reports tab gives the choices of seeing order history and recommendation history of your patients. The third report choice is for Commission reports to see compensation from DesBio for the orders from your patients. In the Commission Report you can also see which DesBio products are most ordered by your patients.
From the Messages tab, choosing All Messages gives the choice to view
messages from your patients to you (Inbox tab,) messages to patients from you (Sent tab,) and messages moved out of the active Inbox and Sent screens to be archived (Archived tab.)
Clicking back on the Messages tab, you can create and use message templates from the Message Template selection of the Messages tab and create and send single messages from the Compose New Message tab under Messages.
Providing discounted pricing to individual patients
The practitioner can set a percent discount for individual patients that will offer savings for the patient’s orders. This is done from the dbscript Dashboard with Patient List selected under the Patients tab.
To set a discount percent discount for an individual patient, click on the cog-wheel symbol at the right end of the line of information for the patient. Click Manage Patient.
Click on the Edit link for Discount found above Registered Date for the patient. The screen that appears
allows you to set a discount for this patient from 5% to 30%. Select your desired discount and press the blue Submit button
to save the discount percentage for the patient.
The discount screen also has the option to change the status of the patient account from Active to Restricted or Deactivate. This topic is presented in another documentation topic.
Marking a patient account as "Inactive" or "Restricted"
The practitioner can set the status for individual patient accounts to “Active,” “Inactive,” or “Restricted. This is done from the dbscript Dashboard with Patient List selected under the Patients tab.
To set the account status for an individual patient, click on the cog-wheel icon at the right end of the line of information for the patient. Then click Manage Patient.
Click on the Edit link for Status and choose Active, Inactive, or Restricted.
The status is automatically Active when the account was first created.
Restricted status means that the patient can only order products that you as the practitioner recommend. A Restricted patient cannot browse other DesBio products.
Choose Deactivated to make the account status Inactive which means the account can no longer be accessed and used.
Press the blue Submit button to save the Status for the patient account.
The status screen also has the option to change the discount percent of the patient account from 0% to up to 30%. This is presented in another documentation topic.
Lost your dbscript password or password not working
First, check to see if the “caps lock” key is pressed on your keyboard. Your password characters are case-sensitive and you may not have created your password all in caps.
Alternatively, perhaps your password was inadvertently created in all CAPITAL LETTERS with the caps lock key active when you first created your account. It caps lock is not currently active when you try to log in, press it and try your password again.
If you are still not successful, click on the Lost Your Password? link below the Login button on the screen and follow the instructions
to have a new link sent to your email address to create a new password and login.
If you do not receive the new password instructions email, check your SPAM or Junk Mail folder. If you still do not find the email, it is possible that your dbscript account was created using a different or misspelled email address.
Resetting your dbscript password
If you would like to change your password, click on the Account Details link in the upper right top edge of the screen. Then click on Change Password
in the menu of items on the left side of the screen.
Enter your current password in the first box, your new password in the second box and then enter your new password in the confirmation box.
To be sure your entered your new password the way you wanted (since the typed characters do not appear in the new password and confirm password boxes,) click on the “eye” icon on on the right of the box to see what was actually typed.
If the new password is what you desired, click on the Save Changes button and your new password is set.